Friday, May 21, 2010

Tips on How to Make Your Cat's Indoor Life More Interesting

Cats that live free in the wild or anywhere spend much of every day "hunting" for food. Indoor cats have life easier......or do they? We probably need to find more creative ways to provide cats with some of the same kind of stimulation free living cats enjoy. It is very much a cat's instinct to hunt for food; however, our indoor cats usually have their food put literally at their paw-tips.

What can a cat owner do to provide the indoor cat with more food hunting stimulation?

o Buy food puzzles or cat toys that allow the insertion of bits of food or treats
o Special fountains make drinking water more interesting
o Timed feeders allow you to vary the times at which they will dispense food for your cat

Make your own food puzzle:

o Start with a clean yogurt container with a lid
o Cut a small hole in the side
o Make sure the edges of the hole are smooth
o Put some dry cat food in the container and roll it along the floor
o The cat will learn it has to continually roll the container so the food will spill out, piece by piece

You can also hide your cat's food in several locations around the house instead of putting it in one spot. It is much more entertaining for your cat if he or she has to hunt for its food every day. This helps to satisfy the cat's basic instincts of hunting for food. Don't allow your cat to see where you have hidden the food. Start with hiding small amounts of dry food under a paper cup or a plate in various locations. Another interesting option is to use an egg carton. This way the cat will have to scoop bit by bit out of the wells.

Mental stimulation using tricks:

Tricks are not just for kids! Tricks are not just for dogs! You can teach your cat tricks much in the same way dogs are trained. Many cats can be trained to fetch or perform other simple tricks using conventional training methods or clicker training. There are many books and videos to help you learn how to train your cat. Trick training will help your cat avoid boredom and also provide another way for owner and pet to interact and bond.

Socializing is another worthwhile way to spend time with your pet. What you can do:

o Spend some time every day just sitting and petting your cat
o Everyday, brush your cat's coat

Even though cats have the strong reputation of being solitary hunters, they are also social creatures that do indeed enjoy human company. They need attention from their owners. Studies show interaction between humans and pets helps make people healthier and calmer. Enjoy the experience. The time spent with your pet is just as therapeutic for you as for the pet.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not meant to diagnose or treat any kind of health problem in your cat. You should always consult with a trusted veterinarian for all health problems.
Source: The Winn Feline Foundation Online.

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