Thursday, July 1, 2010

Click, sit, stay - Clicker Training for dogs and puppies

A well-trained, well-trained dog is a happy dog. There are many different methods for dogs, some more than other trains popular. Clicker training is a simple, easy to give generally good results with two dogs and puppies. Everything you need to clicker train your dog, a clicker and positive reinforcement for certain traits. Many pet shops stock Clicker trainers and are usually inexpensive. The concept is to associate the sounds with your dog in one clickpositive result. It did not last long, you can sit your dog and as a world champion.

Clicker training is a form of conditioning. Like the famous experiment of Pavlov ring a bell, the sound of the clicker is used to trigger a positive response in your dog or puppy. Dogs and puppies can be a variety of commands are taught with the clicker training method. The secret of success of the method of clicker training is that the distinctive clicking sound that your dog will be heard, followedclosely followed by a reward. This causes your puppy or dog to associate a clicking sound positive attention. Once your dog or puppy learns that the click is a good thing, they would be willing to listen to their sound.

Clicker training is a simple training method cruelty-free because of the clicker by people of all ages and physical quantities can be used. Once the dog or the dog has learned to love the sound of a click, reward their good behavior with cracking. This will be theof repeating even the most stupid behavior of puppies that caused you to make a "click". Since the only negative reinforcement that this method is the lack of a click when the dog does not engage in activities that are wondering what, this is a friendly, safe method to teach your dog good manners.

With too many options available to help you, your dog or puppy will be a faithful companion obedience, clicker training is an excellent choice. There is minimal effort and dogs and puppies are verypositively to this type of training. The ease of use of the clicker mechanism means that even the youngest family members can get your dog or puppy to obey their orders. No need to physically discipline your dog, and because the click is the same reward is less need for edible dog trafficking, abused, can lead to obesity in dogs and puppies.

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