Thursday, October 21, 2010

educational benefits of playing with wooden puzzles

Wooden puzzles are an important learning tool that can be used with children to promote child development. The following are some of the many benefits can be gained if this instrument incredibly well-rounded learning.


* Keep the attention of

* Participation motivate

* To stimulate the conversation

* It can, without overwhelming challenge

* Promote the success

* Promoting independence and self-determinationAppreciation

The puzzles are self correcting a Learning Tool
If children on a piece of the puzzle that fits into shape in it only if properly placed in the right space experiment. The act of manipulating each piece, turning and shape control, as children learn to solve problems and develop critical thinking.

Language skills
Puzzles offer children the opportunity to develop skills in many languages. If a child asks a specific partOften describe what they are looking for. For example, round piece, the piece of blue shots, etc. The puzzles are often used when the work of children suffering from autism with the ability to time delay as a playful means to promote the speech.

Math skills
Puzzle Children learn some basic concepts in mathematics as well. While working with a puzzle, children learn to categorize and organize the pieces as you are the classification and identification of partsgood.

Hand-eye coordination
wooden puzzles build hand-eye coordination. The ability to coordinate what the eye sees, the mind wants to do, and what can make your hands need a lot of practice. Puzzle offer a pleasant way to practice skills to promote independence.

Fine motor skills
Puzzles provide a fun way to develop fine motor skills. Children need to develop muscle strength, their fingers so that theyThings to resist and could understand. This will then give them the opportunity to hold a pencil.

Social Skills
wooden puzzle offers the opportunity to expand social skills, for example. When children work cooperatively with a puzzle to be completed in conversation. They develop a plan to solve the puzzle, they turn and help each other solve problems that arise.

Persistence Development
If a child develops a work puzzle for the completion of the ChildPersistence. Once the puzzle to the child a sense of satisfaction that his independence and self-esteem strengthens the feeling is resolved.

Adaptable and abstract thought
The children use flexible thinking and deductive skills when there are several ways to assemble the parts. You gain the ability to think abstractly when they see the situation, negative space, like space in which to place a piece of the puzzle can, and find out what kind of shape would be required to complete, areSpace.

Trace of imagination and creativity
Playing with the mosaic puzzle promotes imagination and creativity. The colors and shapes of the mosaic tiles are used to stimulate brain cells and encourage a renewed interest in the arrangement of parts in the drawings without end.

Finally, as the puzzles that are offered in wood an incredible learning tools. I think of all the educational toys, wooden puzzle of the most versatileand well-rounded learning tool you can buy for your child, as they provide a legacy of educational benefits, support for child development.

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