Sunday, November 28, 2010

Educational Benefits Of Children's Puzzles

Puzzles are a traditional favourite children's educational toy among not just kids, put parents and teachers.

You can improve your child's early learning both at home and at school by giving them puzzle toys to play with.

Children's puzzles help to develop a whole range of skills, including cognitive skills, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and even social skills.

Puzzles improve cognitive - reasoning and problem-solving - skills by helping children to see the relationship between the whole and its parts.

They can also enhance visual spacial awareness and teach subjects such as the alphabet, counting, colours, shapes and sorting objects into sets like animals or vehicles.

Motor skills such as grasping and manipulation (not the monetary or emotional kind) are developed through puzzles such as jigsaws, or those which require the child to put pegs or blocks in holes or attach one object to another. These skills are crucial for writing and drawing, but children begin learning them long before they ever pick up a crayon.

Similarly, babies and toddlers learn hand-eye coordination skills as they pick up pieces of a puzzle and place them in their right place.

Playing with puzzles can also teach your children social skills when done with other children. Children learn share tasks and cooperate as they swap pieces of the puzzle and discuss where they should go. They can also learn how to cope with frustration when they cannot make a piece fit.

In short, puzzles are fun, stimulating, educational toys for children and adults of all ages.

Children Educational Toys

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