Puzzle toys have long been preferred learning. Parents often underestimate the value of riddles and their role in promoting the capacity of basic education is a child. putting together a puzzle, the hand-eye coordination skills of a child through sharp as any being processed magical "space suit" in right of his hitting form. puzzle promote cognitive development, such as memory, problem solving and decision as skills. Iftogether with others to promote social interaction puzzle helps to develop the social skills of a child. The educational value of a puzzle does not stop with basic educational skills, puzzles also teach techniques such as patience, perseverance and self-esteem, for example. The attitude with which the child makes a puzzle, a small display and reflection, as they can and they relate to life as they mature.
Puzzles teach patience, patience. As definedin the Encarta Dictionary: "Patience is the ability to wait without being upset or angry and to stay calm in the face of difficulties." The concept of waiting is difficult for a child. With a puzzle as an example, we can handle our children the importance of patience, every piece in place, sometimes easily, sometimes by trial and error. When his patience is exercised, you will begin to understand that with every little 'patience and he will eventually adaptThe desired result is achieved by creating its reward at the end. Life (and puzzles), not the instant gratification "I want it now, I have it now," as the world's understanding of a child. The award is the result of delayed gratification. As adults we realize the benefits of working toward a goal. We learn that ethics and to achieve this over time, hard work and perseverance. As a result, you get the satisfaction of the performance, the reward isitself. Bring your child to compare the riddle of life - how often do things that make no sense if not all the facts (pieces)? We learn through patience that each piece image with the entire contribution or offer variable appearance at all. Puzzles help children understand that when all the facts (pieces), organized and resolved to put together not able to see mystery its completionTo see the whole picture.
Persistence: a different life skills children learn the puzzle is the persistence. This means that a permanent or persistent problems continue despite difficulties or obstacles. It 'difficult for children to make progress in the face of obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles can hinder a child's self-esteem and value that has to give life itself. promoted the example of a puzzle and adults, children learn that obstacles should not havenegative impact on a job or life. Children learn with perseverance to achieve goals and make up to support projects in order to reap their reward, and eventually you'll see the whole picture. With a puzzle, you can teach your child to take the time to think about color, shape and form as it relates to a room, and how each piece can be placed in the correct position by trial and error. With logical thinking and problem solving skills, ask your child to tell how the pieces of the puzzlethe whole picture. Questions like: "Where do you think this piece should go," or encourage your child's perseverance, saying: "I like how you keep trying." Let your child know that with perseverance almost everything in life is at hand. With the right perspective, children can finally solve their problems (or complete their puzzle).
VALUE / Wörth: puzzles that help children know the importance of the picture puzzle is not clear, with a piece of, as well asa person in life is more valuable than he / she interacts with other people. One person (an isolated piece of the puzzle) is significant in terms of own (ie self-concept), but a connection or relationship with one or more other pieces to create an entire image, and that a feeling of increased self-esteem . We are unique in our own individual way. With us, we can have a significant impact, but has worked hard to life can take on a broader meaning. What to do with aPuzzle piece? What value or value? Help your child understand some things do not make sense on their own, but can be implemented in combination with other pieces, a new concept.
Puzzles teach children to help stretch their imagination. their pleasure and the rewards will be inevitable, with tenacity and perseverance, not only in the completion of their puzzle, but in life. puzzles are an educational value of the toy a lot when you work independently, but can takewhole new meaning when taught by a "master", which, like any other piece of a puzzle piece, its size, shape and color. Just as a piece of the puzzle, children can learn their individual contribution to life brings its own reward, because they produce each piece of the puzzle the whole picture.
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