Being a parent is exciting, exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. Ultimately is the biggest responsibility that will in your life. Some of the latest research on child development shows that most of the brain "wiring" and will be developed in the first three years of life. Studies show not only the positive correlation between brain, cognition, and healthy children, but research also shows the negative consequences of brain development inChildren growing up in hostile environments, or unhealthy. According to the studies of child development, children follow a progression of development in four main areas: motor skills, cognitive development, language and socio-emotional growth. Children experience growth and development following its second year of life.
Engine Development
During this period, infants progress from crawling to walking without support. Finally, I am able to walk without assistance. This ability to moveTo quickly gives a great opportunity to explore to reach, grasp, and begin to navigate alone. Are grasped with the hands, clutch, and hold handrails. You can sit on a chair, hold a pencil, a spoon or a cup.
Run, baby push or pull toys with him. Buy large supplies of crayons and drawing, to sit with them and help us turn the pages of a book. Enjoy the balls or objects that can throw and received. A number of basicCapture your child can practice the concept of superposition of three or four elements together.
Cognitive development
During this period, infants gradually understand basic concepts such as finding missing objects, items transferred from hand to hand, and basic skills associative recognition (spoon, cup, cup and saucer). You can assemble a puzzle with three pieces, put pegs in a pegboard, and are able to sit down and look through a picture book.The diagnosis of children with autism usually occurs during this stage of development.
Introduction toys as children children's books, puzzles foam simple pegboard, dolls, dinosaurs, trucks, and keep moving objects. Puzzles and games, also allow children or PMS colors shapes would be a great idea.
Development intervention
A baby usually gains considerable ability to communicate during this period. It has evolved from a word for word statementsCombinations along with feelings in a row to communicate needs and directions. The child acquires the ability to understand spoken simple oral request from you. These children show developing countries, using other forms of communication such as gestures and head qualified. A typical two years, a vocabulary of 50-50 words have and will continue to develop rapidly.
Not toys that promote the use and speech recognition. Examples could be an image with audio booksChips that say the name of the image. A child VCR or cassette player, that stories or sing songs that address your child can be a great toy to be played.
Children start to interact with them during this phase. Although they have yet to play in parallel, they show curiosity about people and surrounding objects. Likes and others around them, as among adults in the room to interact with through dialogue,Hugs or kisses. The child begins to show self-confidence and greater resistance, dressing or other directives give you.
Toys that move interaction with others, creative, alternatively, share, play or sing along with others would help the socio-emotional.
Obviously children are unique and it is through these stages at their own pace and willingness to progress. Also, toys and products to provide thatEntertainment and education for your children will never be a substitute for the care and love essential interactive parent or guardian must provide for her child.
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