Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Toys - Creating a Sense of Order

Believe it or not, children actually appreciate a sense of order. They like to find their toys, books and art supplies. Overflowing closets and toy chests offer a challenge most children won't endeavor. Simply put: children don't know where to put things if it's not clear to them. A clutter-free room reinforces independence in children and builds a respect for property. Following are ways to create a sense of order out of children's toys:

Organize toys into categories. Figure out the best place for each category of toys, such as dolls and stuffed animals, art supplies, sports equipment, wheel toys, musical instruments, games and puzzles.

Find places for big things. Situate stuffed animals and dolls on beds, chairs and windowsills - not at the bottom of a toy chest. Park large trucks, cars and planes in a corner, on a shelf, or under a bed. Use large crates to store sports equipment and helmets.

Find places for little things. Invest in some plastic see-through shoe boxes for storing small toys, or create treasure boxes out of recycled cardboard shoe boxes that can be decorated with drawings and stickers. Boxes are helpful for storing small things that children collect like cars, jewelry, or stones. Place art supplies including crayons, glue, pencils, markers, paints and other materials in separate boxes or bins.

Organize books, blocks and puzzles. Children are more apt to explore books that are easily seen. Teach children to place books on shelves. Place puzzles on specially made racks or stored on shelves or in boxes turned on end. To save on your frustration level, teach your children to put puzzles back together prior to storing.

Organize dress up clothes. Dressing up is more fun when the dresses and costumes can be seen. Consider adding hooks in a closet or behind a door for hanging these items up. Fit accessories like ties, shoes and hats inside boxes or drawers.

Other tips for creating a sense of order include:
Putting one thing away before getting another out.

Teaching children to respect their property.

Buying quality toys and keeping them in good shape.

Throwing away worn-out and broken toys.

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